Along the way, she coupled her love of translating the technical to the simple and picked up skills in adult learning to share her knowledge on research.
As a lifelong traveler, from a multi-cultural, multi-lingual household she loves an international setting, loves to move and groove, and has dabbled in a few amateur improv and film projects. She is dynamic and quick study who is always learning new skills (right now its HTML/CSS/Java Script).
Simone has worked in: South Sudan/Sudan (+1 year), El Salvador, Nicaragua, Kenya, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Kenya, Chad, Central African Republic, Cote D'Ivoire, Tanzania, Madagascar, Senegal, Uganda, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Switzerland, Ukraine, Mexico, Peru and the US.
A multi-disciplinary academic background in the Social Sciences. Geography and Regional Development, then a Masters in Public Health. Minors in French and Spanish.